Homemade Soaps & Scrubs

Homemade Soaps & Scrubs

Mango, Avocado & Olive Oil Sugar Soaps!

I found these ice cube trays that make pretty, faceted prisms at the dollar store.
They are the perfect size for a single-serving scrub session ; ) I looked up some recipes, but kind of deviated on my own because I didn’t want to take the time and money to buy ‘soap melts’ and ‘soap bases’.

How to make? First, find a nice bar of soap that you like, and grate it.

So pretty. Takes about 5 minutes. Enough time to jam to your favorite song. Then you melt it and mix it with sugar, olive oil, any additional oils, and pack it into the cube tray. You don’t need special soap molds. In fact, you can use the same ice cube trays as chocolate candy molds. As long as it has a smooth finish, and the plastic is flexible, chocolate will come off.

The apartment smelled so lovely during this whole process.

Just take one, and scrub! Good for feet too!

Then, I found out that you can make a lot of liquid hand soap out of a bar of nice soap, which saves A LOT of money. So I made lavender soap too! How? Same thing… grate, melt in a big pot of water, add some glycerin, and wait 12 hours.

Great Grating!

Looks so fluffy. Smells so nice.

I also put a little purple dye.

Then I made some Lemon & Olive Oil Salt Scrub. What’s in it? Kosher salt.

Olive oil.

Lemon zest!

Finish with some lemon juice, lemon oil extract, lemon-eucalyptus essential oil, and olive oil.

I couldn’t stop. Homemade and DIY projects are so addicting. I made mint-chocolate sugar-scrub  hand soap, as well as this Sugar Coffee Scrub.


Coffee! (This one is Italian roast, espresso grind)



Some olive oil to hydrate and make the whole batch stick together.

It was like cooking and baking, except you might not want to eat it. Though, I think you could marinade something with the lemon salt and bake something with the coffee sugar… if you ignore the oils, hahah.